Paget Estate launch another organic farm to let
The historic Paget Estate, which is situated on the Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire border has announced they are re-letting another organic farm which will be available from September 2023.
The Paget Estate is owned by Joanna Herbert-Stepney, who is a strong advocate of organic farming and a long-standing supporter of the Soil Association.
In fact, data released by Defra has revealed that land going through the two-year organic conversion period rose by 34% in 2021, compared to the previous year.
This trend is expected to rise further still after the announcement on 5th January 2023 that farmers will receive increased payments for protecting and enhancing nature and delivering sustainable food production under the Government’s new Environmental Land Management schemes.
Hungary Lane Farm is currently a biodynamic arable and stock farm extending to approximately 109.95 hectares (271.58 acres), including a four-bedroom farmhouse and a good range of modern and traditional farm buildings in the village of Sutton Bonington.
In 2019 and 2022 The Paget Estate also re-let Home Farm and Cedars Farm as organic ventures and received a lot of interest. Tenants of both farms announced plans to nurture natural flora and fauna, rear rare livestock, open farm shops selling organic produce and handmade products as well as a long-term commitment to ensuring that organic farming techniques and crafting skills are transferred to future generations.
Commenting, Sam Woodhouse, from specialist land development and property consultancy Mather Jamie said; “This is a great opportunity for an experienced, pro-active organic or biodynamic tenant with the financial means to develop a successful organic farming business, whilst conserving the natural habitat and landscape.”
The farm is being offered on a fixed-term Farm Business Tenancy. The length of term and rent payable for the holding are negotiable and it will be a requirement of the tenancy that the farm is continued to be farmed on an organic or biodynamic status.