Tenant Documents & Guidance

How to Rent - The Checklist for Renting in England

The Department for Communities and Local Government has created a guide for tenants and landlords in the private rented sector to help them understand their rights and responsibilities. It provides detailed information on each stage of the renting process, including:

• What to look out for before renting
• Living in a rented home
• What happens at the end of a tenancy
• What to do if things go wrong

Click on the link below to download a copy of the guide:

How to Rent - The checklist for renting in England (publishing.service.gov.uk)


Residential Tenancy Application Form

If you wish to apply for the tenancy of a property, please download the application form attached below and complete and return this to us.

We will also require proof of identity and residency for each tenant in the form of:

  • Photographic ID such as a passport or photocard driving licence.
  • Utility bill, council tax bill or bank statement showing your current address and dated within the last 3 months.

You must provide us with the original of each document. A photocopy will then be taken and retained with your application.

Please note that you must have viewed the property prior to submitting an application form.

Residential Tenancy Application Form