
Conversion of Traditional Farm Buildings to 6 Office Units

Estate Background

The Paget Estate is a 2,500-acre rural estate situated on the Leicestershire / Nottinghamshire boarder.  It comprises 12 farms - 6 are organic and 6 conventional as well as 48 cottages and 8 commercial office units. 

The Paget Estate is owned by Joanna Herbert-Stepney who is a strong advocate of organic farming and a long-standing supporter of the Soil Association.  Mather Jamie in its role as managing agent, assist the landowner in achieving her objectives of securing the longevity of the estate by reinvesting in the properties and people who live and work there, whilst also caring for the environment and creating somewhere people can come and enjoy the beauty and peace of the countryside. 

Our Services

Mather Jamie have acted at management agents for the Paget Estate for over 35 years providing a tailored management service providing rural, residential and commercial property advice as well as all aspects of property repairs, maintenance, landlord and tenant matters, project management, re-lettings and in-house accounting services.

The Project

As part of their estate management services, Mather Jamie advised the client on diversification options for a range of traditional farm buildings, negotiated the release of the buildings from an existing Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 Tenancy and project managed the conversion works to create 6 office units between 350 -1000 sq. ft.

Project Outcome

  • Creation of 6 office units between 350 -1000 sq ft.
  • Office rents achieved between £12-15 per sq ft.
  • Renewable energy installed – 10kW on roof PV and 50kW biomass boiler on site.
  • Feed in Tariff claimed on electricity generated on 10kW PV.
  • Renewable Heat Incentive claimed in respect of heat generated from biomass boiler.

Continued Services

Mather Jamie continue to manage the office park for the Paget Estate, dealing with all new and existing lettings, repairs, maintenance and service charges on behalf of the client.  

Project Background
Paget Estate
Rural Land and Property Management
Rural Estates Management
Agent Contact:
Amy Biddell
Agent Details: