Brownsover Lane, Rugby
Project Background
Mather Jamie are retained Agents for this portfolio client and identified a parcel of land, owned by the Estate, located off the A426 to the north of Rugby. Mather Jamie were instructed to assist with the promotion of the site and to co-ordinate submission of a planning application for residential development.
The site subsequently obtained full planning approval for the development of 14 homes including Section 106 Agreement obligations. Given the heritage and conservation aspects, the scheme allows for landscaping to the south-western part of the site, the masterplan has considered the landscape setting and has enabled an appropriate design solution which reflects the local character and enables the creation of a high-quality living environment.
Marketing Approach
Mather Jamie led the marketing campaign for the site and facilitated the procurement of a full developers information pack including a detailed Ground Investigation Report and Utilities Report. All information was held on line in a password-protected data room.
The site was marketed by way of an Informal Tender process, with strong competing interest, Jelson Homes purchased the site on an unconditional basis.
Project Outcome
This project is a great example of how Mather Jamie are able to add value through all stages of the lifecycle of a site, from initial identification of the opportunity, inputting throughout the planning process and ultimately helping to deliver an excellent result on behalf of the client.
Project Lead: Gary Kirk BSc (Hons) MRICS FAAV
Project Assistant: Sam Tyler